miércoles, 9 de abril de 2014

Peeta Planet de tapas tour en Madrid

Peeta Planet Madrid de tapas tour en Madrid

Esta semana han estado en Madrid los hermanos emiratíes Mohamed y Peyman Parham Al Awadhi rodando la segunda temporada del programa de televisión Peeta Planet (emitido en YouTube y Dubai One TV). En 2009 se les ocurrió viajar por todo el mundo mientras cocinaban shawarma en su restaurante de Wild Peeta de Dubai. ¡Y lo están consiguiendo! Este año, después de Latinoamérica vino Europa con Atenas, Roma y Madrid a la cabeza. Cada ciudad tiene un episodio de 22 minutos. Pincha en la imagen para ver en Dubai One TV el vídeo completo de Madrid:

Alejandro Muñiz Delgado amunizdelgado Dubai Peeta Planet

Facilitan su producción y difusión una alianza con Google y el apoyo financiero de TwoFour54, la plataforma gubernamental de Dubai, liderada por Noura Al Kaabi, una mujer que también está detrás del festival de cine de Abu Dabi.
Mohamed and Peyman Parham Al Awadhi

Como corresponsal de Spotted by Locals en Madrid, llevé a Mohamed y Peyman de tapas por Madrid. Primero a probar un riquísimo rabo de toro en Los Timbales junto a la Plaza de Ventas y después probamos una original paella negra en Picnic, en pleno Malasaña. Fue toda una gran experiencia guiarles por Madrid vestidos con su traje tradicional emiratí (kandora y ghatra) bajo la curiosa mirada de los viandantes. Pero sin duda un placer vivir el choque cultural y comentar mis recuerdos del viaje a los Emiratos Árabes Unidos.

Rabo de toro. Carne de rabo de toro, patata, cebolla, pimentón y ajos.

Paella negra. Calamares, tinta de calamares, cebolla, ajos, pimiento y arroz.

¿Qué es una tapa?

Es complicado conocer bien el origen de la tapa española porque hay mucha leyenda. En la Edad Media, un médico recomendó al rey Alfonso X El Sabio (1221-1284) beber vino para aliviar una enfermedad que padecía. El Sabio, para aliviar los efectos del alcohol tomaba pequeñas cantidades de comida y estableció que los mesones de Castilla dispusieran de tapas para los viajeros.

Otra leyenda cuenta que los Reyes Católicos, Isabel (1451-1504) y Fernando (1452-1516) estaban preocupados por la cantidad de accidentes. Así que los mesoneros empezaron a servir tapas para paliar esas alegrías que daba el beber. Ponían la tapa encima de la copa de forma que tenías que comerla antes de beber. También se cree que la gente tapaba sus copas con una loncha de jamón o queso para evitar que entrara polvo o alguna mosca dentro.

En esta aventura, que iniciaron en 2013 por todo el mundo, no quieren ser turistas sino viajeros sociales. Conocer las ciudades de la mano de locales es su máxima. Las redes sociales Facebook, Twitter, Instagram y Google+ son sus mejores aliados. La siguiente parada es Jakarta. Sigue sus perfiles sociales para no perderte una.

Peeta Planet tapas tour in Madrid

This week two Emirati brothers, Mohamed and Peyman Parham Al Awadhi, have visited Madrid while filming the second season for Peeta Planet TV show (aired on YouTube and Dubai One TV). In 2009, while they were cooking shawarma at their Wild Peeta restaurant, they thought about travelling the world in a social way. And they have certainly achieved it! This year, after Latin America, they flew to Europe to stop by Athens, Rome and Madrid. Mohamed and Peyman are capable of summing up a whole week experience in a 22 minute episode. Please click on the image to watch on Dubai One TV the entire video of Madrid:

Alejandro Muñiz Delgado amunizdelgado Dubai Peeta Planet
In association with Google and the financial support of TwoFour54, this Dubaite media platform headed by Noura Al Kaabi, who is also part of Abu Dhabi Film Festival, Peeta Planet reaches the global audience through YouTube.

As a Madrid correspondent for Spotted by Locals, I guided Mohamed and Peyman on a tapas tour. First we had a delicious rabo de toro (ox-tail) at Los Timbales, near Las Ventas bull ring. Then we tasted an unusual paella (it was black because it was made with squid ink) at Picnic in Malasaña neighbourhood. I had so much fun guiding the whole crew around Madrid, everyone walking by stared at us as Mohammed and Peyman always dress with traditional Emirati kandoora and ghatra. I also had the chance to share the memories of my UAE travel with them.

Ox-tail. Bull's meat, potatoes, cayenne, garlic.

Black paella. Squid and squid ink, garlic, onion, peppers and rice.

So what on earth is a tapa?

The origin of this iconic Spanish food is not clear even nowadays. During the Middle Ages, the king of Castile Alfonso X (1221-1284), nicknamed “The Wise” suffered from an illness and his doctor prescribed him to drink wine. He used to eat small bites of food to ward off the alcohol effects. After this, he made all mesons and inns in Castile to serve small portions of food with the beverage. People would called them “tapas” (Spanish word for "cover"). Some others simply believe that this dishes would be place on top their glasses of wine to avoid dust and insects from flying inside.

There is another legend about this. The Catholic Kings, Isabel (1451-1504) and Fernando (1452-1516), were worried about the amount of traffic accidents, so mesons started serving tapas with each drink. Innkeepers would put it on the top of the glass of wine, reminding clients to have it before drinking any wine. Luckily today, we have non-alcoholic beverages, so you don’t worry about it if you have to drive, get back to work or you simply don’t like alcohol. Try the "mosto", for instance, it's an alcohol free grape juice.

You may find lots of Spanish dishes in tapas: croquettes, manchego cheese, iberian ham, squid, mussels, Spanish omelette, meat balls, patatas bravas (spicy potatoes). Some bartenders may call them “pincho/pintxo” (instead of “tapa”), which is a similar option coming from the North of Spain that usually implies a more elaborate option.

In this journey, started in 2013, the Al Awadhi brothers do not want to be tourists, they prefer to be social travelers. Their followers recommend them where the vibrant spots are, places they don't want to miss to live like a local. The social networks FacebookTwitterInstagram and Google+  are their best ally. Next stop is Jakarta, make sure to check their profiles!

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